
  • Stewart Bushong Radiologic Science Technologists Pdf To Word
    카테고리 없음 2020. 2. 17. 09:47

    Develop the skills and knowledge to make informed decisions regarding technical factors and diagnostic imaging quality with the vibrantly illustrated Radiologic Science for Technologists, 10th Edition. Updated with the latest advances in the field, this full-color and highly detailed edition addresses a broad range of radiologic disciplines and provides a strong foundation in the study and practice of radiologic physics, imaging, radiobiology, radiation protection, and more. Unique learning tools strengthen your understanding of key concepts and prepare you for success on the ARRT certification exam and in clinical practice. Key Features. Broad coverage of radiologic science topics — including radiologic physics, imaging, radiobiology, radiation protection, and more — allows you to use the text over several semesters. Highlighted math formulas call attention to mathematical information for special focus. Important Concept boxes recap the most important chapter information.

    1. Radiologic Science For Technologists Bushong

    Colored page tabs for formulas, conversion tables, abbreviations, and other data provide easy access to frequently used information. End-of-chapter questions include definition exercises, short answer, and calculations to help you review material.

    Key terms and expanded glossary enable you to easily reference and study content. Chapter introductions, summaries, objectives, and outlines help you organize and pinpoint the most important information. Table of Contents. PART I: RADIOLOGIC PHYSICS 1. Essential Concepts of Radiologic Science 2. The Structure of Matter 3.

    Electromagnetic Energy 4. Electricity, Magnetism, and Electromagnetism PART II: X-RADIATION 5. The X-ray Imaging System 6. The X-ray Tube 7. X-ray Production 8.

    Stewart Bushong Radiologic Science Technologists Pdf To Word

    Radiologic Science For Technologists Bushong


    X-ray Emission 9. X-ray Interaction with Matter PART III: THE RADIOGRAPHIC IMAGE 10. Concepts of Image Quality 11. Control of Scatter Radiation 12. Screen-Film Radiography 13. Screen-Film Radiographic Technique PART IV: THE DIGITAL RADIOGRAPHIC IMAGE 14.

    Introduction to Computer Science 15. Computed Radiography 16. Digital Radiography 17. Digital Radiographic Technique - NEW PART V: IMAGE ARTIFACTS AND QUALITY CONTROL 18. Screen-Film Radiographic Artifacts 19. Screen-Film Radiographic Quality Control 20. Digital Radiographic Artifacts 21.

    Digital Radiographic Quality Control PART VI: ADVANCED X-RAY IMAGING 22. Mammography 23. Mammography Quality Control 24. Fluoroscopy 25. Digital Fluoroscopy 26. Interventional Radiography 27. Computed Tomography PART VII: VIEWING THE DIGITAL IMAGE 28. Features of the Digital Image 29. The Digital Image Display - NEW 30. Viewing the Digital Image 31. Digital Display Device Quality Control PART VIII: RADIOBIOLOGY 32. Human Biology 33. Fundamental Principles of Radiobiology 34. Molecular and Cellular Radiobiology 35. Deterministic Effects of Radiation Exposure 36. Stochastic Effects of Radiation Exposure PART IX: RADIATION PROTECTION 37.

    Health Physics 38. Designing for Radiation Protection 39. Patient Radiation Dose Management 40. Occupational Radiation Dose Management.

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